True Tales by Disability advocates
Where advocates harness the power of storytelling to build community with their peers and hope to develop empathy in others. A team of disability advocates creates this True Tales podcast to share personal stories by disabled storytellers and add their voices to the growing community of podcast listeners.
Transcripts for all episodes can be found on our podcast hosting website here
Latest from our Blog

Waiting for the Bus Cast and Crew Full Bios
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Waiting for the Bus Research Materials for Scenes in the Play
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Advocacy Through Faith with Kaye Love
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The Power of Perception
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The Advocate’s Journey, Politics, Podcasts, and Pushing for Change
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The Value of Storytelling, A Conversation with Kamand Alaghehband
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Behind the MIC

Brittany Sessum is a Houston native and Army veteran that loves making connections with others. She has a passion to serve her family, the community, and her country by giving back in any capacity. She believes that her passions and actions live beyond herself. Brittany loves writing poetry, reading, traveling, and working as an entrepreneur.

Kristen Gooch
Kristen Gooch is an Actress, Poet and Advocate from Austin, Tx with Cerebral Palsy and uses a wheelchair for mobility. She hopes to broaden her horizons and branch out into film and television someday. She currently facilitates a peer support group called Adapting Sheros for women with mobility disabilities through Imagineart. She is a company member of TILT performance group and Paradox Players.

TOBY Al-trabusi
Toby Al-Trabulsi is an actor, writer, and creative access advocate for performers with disabilities based out of Austin, TX. Toby is a member of TILT performance group and ScriptWorks and is currently pursuing podcasting through Art Spark's podcasting workshop, True Tales by Disability Advocates. He is eager to see where this journey takes him.

John Beer
John Beer profiles the people with disabilities and volunteers who enforce accessible parking for all in the upcoming issue of New Mobility magazine. You can also find him on TheMighty.com – and he's wheelie excited about being on the team creating Art Spark Texas' new podcast, True Tales by Disability Advocates.

Jennifer Howell
Jennifer Howell has a lifetime of personal experience with disability – as a caregiver, a teacher and a person with disabilities herself. Those experiences now ignite her passion and inform her work as an accessibility and creative placemaking consultant.

Joey Gidseg
Joey Gidseg is an enthusiast of podcasts and disability policy who works to close the gaps in Access to Justice for disabled Texans. As chair of a statewide disability caucus and former multimedia producer, Joey is thrilled to collaborate with other disabled creators on Art Spark Texas' podcast, True Tales by Disability Advocates.

Kamand Alaghehband
Kamand Alaghehband was born in Austin, TX, and has autism. She has spent her life supporting all generations with disabilities. She loves the Special Olympics, and is a member of the executive committee of Special Olympics Athletes Leadership in Texas. Her mission is to bring peace today and create a vision for tomorrow’s disabled population. She hopes that she’ll teach others to turn denial into acceptance.

Kaye Love
Kaye has over eight years of experience working with individuals with developmental and learning disabilities, including Intellectual Disability and Autism Spectrum Disorder, in Special Education and Vocational Rehabilitation. She has experience providing spiritually sensitive counseling to clients who identify with diverse belief systems, including Buddhism, Christianity, Ethical Humanism, Hinduism, Islam, Judaism, and Wicca.
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