
Call for Art: Opulent Mobility 2019

Dora Stern Gallery 544 Freeman St,, City of Orange, NJ, United States

Submission deadline: June 30, 2019* Opulent Mobility is accepting artwork that re-imagines disability.  Opulent Mobility is accepting 2-D and sculptural artwork, music files, and performances on video/film. The challenge is to imagine a world where mobility, disability, and access are not merely functional, but opulent.


Call for Art: LEAD Conference Agenda Cover

The Kennedy Center Office of VSA and Accessibility is seeking artwork by artists and designers with disabilities for the cover of the 2019 LEAD® conference agenda book.

The Lion and The Pirate Open Mic

Malvern Books 613 W. 29th Street, Austin, TX, United States

Share a story, poem, song, or other talent in a fun and supportive neighborhood bookstore!


Veterans – Ink Stick Project Writing Class

Apache Arts & Craft Center 761st Tank Battalion and 62nd Street, Bldg 2337, Fort Hood, TX, United States

This four-week course is designed to help current and prior service members tell their stories. This class will give you the tools to write about your experiences or to express the truths you have learned in a life built on service. We will focus on fiction, nonfiction, and poetry.

Call for Art: Governor’s Committee Poster Competition

Disability Employment Awareness Month is celebrated in Texas every October. The Texas Governor’s Committee on People with Disabilities produces a colorful poster for display in businesses, government offices and schools. The posters are intended to spark a conversation about employment of people with disabilities. Artwork for the poster is selected by a submission and judging process and is open to any Texas artist with a disability.


Stand Up for Mental Health

AGE Building 3710 Cedar Street, Room 101, Austin, TX, United States

Learn stand-up comedy with comic and counselor, David Granirer. Specifically for people with addiction or mental health issues.


Body Shift Foundations Class

McBeth Recreation Center 2401 Columbus Dr., Austin, TX, United States

Foundations is a class for people of all unique mental and physical characteristics. Each class will explore ideas like developing body awareness, non-verbal communication, understanding of time/rhythm and choice making to support students in the discovery of their own movement language. Students will have the opportunity to awaken their creativity, notice habitual movement patterns in order to expand movement possibilities, and have a lot of fun in the process.

$5 – $20

Veterans – Journal Making/Writing Class

Help Heal Veterans 2508 S. 5th St., Temple, TX, United States

In this two day class, start by making Journals using handmade paper. Learn the skills to put together your own multi-page journal. Then, in the second week, learn how to make the ideas and pictures inside your head come alive on paper by sharpening your use of color and imagery. You will be led through visualization exercises, easy writing prompts, and useful writing examples to create strong writing by careful word choice and many other effective writing techniques. Discover your own writing style in a relaxed, supportive class atmosphere.

Speaking Advocates: Independence

AGE Building 3710 Cedar Street, Room 101, Austin, TX, United States

Join the Speaking Advocates this month to share your own definition of independence: what does independence look like for you, what are the obstacles that stand in your way to a self-determined life, how do you become independent?

Call for Creative Writing: Pen 2 Paper Creative Writing Competition

TX, United States

The annual disability focused Pen 2 Paper Creative Writing Competition (P2P) is open for 2019! P2P will be celebrating its tenth year of sharing and recognizing fiction, non-fiction, poetry, and comics on the topic of disability. Submissions are accepted from anywhere in the world and from writers of any age, ability or disability, and writing level.


Spouses – Journal Making/Writing Class

Help Heal Veterans 2508 S. 5th St., Temple, TX, United States

In this two day class, start by making Journals using handmade paper. Learn the skills to put together your own multi-page journal. Then, in the second week, learn how to make the ideas and pictures inside your head come alive on paper by sharpening your use of color and imagery. You will be led through visualization exercises, easy writing prompts, and useful writing examples to create strong writing by careful word choice and many other effective writing techniques. Discover your own writing style in a relaxed, supportive class atmosphere.

Call for Short Films: Cinema Touching Disability Film Festival

Alamo Drafthouse Village 2700 West Anderson Lane, Austin, TX, United States

The Cinema Touching Disability Film Festival dispels common misperceptions about disability by showing films that portray people with disabilities in an accurate and interesting way. The selected films show that individuals with disabilities live the same sort of full and independent lives as all other people. The short film competition invites filmmakers to share their personal views of disability through a short film. The films with the most imaginative and interesting portrayals of people with disabilities will be featured at Cinema Touching Disability. The three best films will also win a cash prize and an award certificate.

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